Effects of online education on mental and physical health

Effects of online education on mental and physical health 

Online education has drastically changed the way we study but the year and half of attending online classes from home have led to a string of mental and physical health issues for both students and teachers.


Covid-19 has caused destruction and devastation worldwide in ways nobody could anticipate. The world in one way or another came to a standstill. Life as we knew it changed. And this change became the new constant.

Online education has taken a huge toll on the mental and physical health of students as well as their teachers.

How online education affected mental health :-

1. Lack of interest:-
    Humans are social animals, and the most introverted ones also need to see faces and have human interactions once in a while. The children have grown to lose interest in their classes. Most of them switch off the camera and go about their other activities. 

2. Stress and anxiety:-
      The concentration levels of students dropped in online learning as the eye meanders elsewhere on the screen. The pressure to concentrate and produce the required results has resulted in a great amount of stress and anxiety. Tasks, assignments, and homework slacked.
3. Zoom fatigue:-
    Zoom fatigue refers to the exhaustion after having attended zoom classes, or video conferences. With the screen time increasing drastically, the mind is overwhelmed with information and the brain finds it rather difficult to register all the information.

Effects of online classes on physical health

1. Eyesight problems :-
    Increased screen time has increased the strain on the eyes, resulting in major headaches. This was applicable not only to the students but also to teachers.

2. Lack of classroom ethics :-
    The classroom ethics have been compromised to great lengths. The posture, regularity, lack of routine, attentiveness has all resulted in health hazards. Constant sitting has caused weight concerns as well.

No physical activity has made the students restless and frustrated. This too took a toll on the eating habits, thus resulting in damages to the physical health.

3. Bad ergonomics :-
Studying online has resulted in poor/bad ergonomics, thus resulting in a lot of issues as regards back pain and fibromyalgia pains.

4. Lack of physical activities :-
    The lack of physical activities has caused children to become obese. Thanks to binge eating and watching, it's only gotten worse.

Muscle spasms, muscle rigidity, and lack of calcium, etc are all based on lack of physical activity.

5. Lack of Vitamin D:-
    Online Education surprisingly has resulted in a lack of Vitamin D. Lack of sunlight, poor diet, and exercise have resulted in more problems than one could anticipate.

6. Calcium deficiency :-
    As weird as it sounds, the lack of physical activity and calcium has resulted in trivial injuries, thus resulting in extensive injuries further.


In conclusion, we can say that online education initially started as a great advantage but took a drastic turn and didn’t work so much in the same spirit. With the increased screen time, eyesight issues, headaches, and strain have increased a great deal.


  1. This blog point out each and every pain point related to adverse effect of online classes very clearly.

  2. Very well presented blog.It was easy to understand the effects of online classes.


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